Monday 26 August 2019

Haenyeo Choir

25 August 2019

Today, a friend invited me to join her to listen to Haenyeo choir at the The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities which is also known as Östasiatiska museet. They brought in actual Haenyeo divers who are retired and are now travelling around the world singing about their previous job which brings tears to those who can understand. One of the divers shared her experience and answered questions from the public. One of her comments shocked me - pregnant divers could dive up to 10 days before delivery! Also, all these divers look so young despite being in their 70s or 80s. Cold water does preserve the beauty.

Here is a brief history on Haenyeo.

Haenyeo are diving fisherwomen on the island of Jeju off the south coast of South Korea. The Haenyeo tradition is more than 1000 years old and originates from small opportunities to feed on the barren volcanic island of Jeju. Desirable marine products can be sold and provide a good income for the families. Haenyeo is traditionally the breadwinner of the family, while the men care for children and household. What led up to women working at sea while the men care for children and households? One theory is that a long time ago the work was being taxed – and because only men were obligated to pay taxes, they stopped diving. Another explanation may be that women's physics, with more subcutaneous fat, made them less exposed to cold water than men. Source from Varldskultursmuseum.

There was an exhibition about the Haenyeo divers and this is one of the quotes from the Haenyeo divers. Yes, women are strong people. We persevere.

After the choir, my friend treated me to matcha cake and I had tea.

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