Monday 18 September 2017


16 September 2017

Today's hike goes to Görväln - 14km. There were about 40 persons who joined. I think it was mostly due to the organiser, Joachim who is pretty knowledgeable in lots of nature stuff. It is the guy with the sunglasses and black jacket. So, the group was split into 2 with the other group led by another organiser. 

During our walk, we paused for lunch and there was a mini competition on how to build fire. It was good knowledge. And Joachim explained a bit on mushrooms too. As it was autumn, mushrooms were abundant. Enjoy the photos!

Joachim made a fire. I did not bring anything to cook over the fire.

We saw some birdwatchers. One elderly man was angry that there were many of us and disturbed his birdwatching activity. 

So, we formed 3 persons in a group to compete on who can build the fastest fire. Joachim provided each team with a knife and a fire starter rod that is made from magnesium. I have never seen those before and had no idea how it worked. Eventually, he showed us after half an hour because none of us had a fire. Haha! One scraps the rod with steel and the magnesium powder when in contact with steel creates spark and voila, fire! It took less than 5 minutes! He scrapped the rod on some bark of a birch tree because this kind of tree is always dry. Once the bark caught fire, he laid more bark of the birch tree on it and put leaves and twigs on top of it and the fire got bigger.

Poisonous mushroom. Another way to identify a poisonous mushroom is that it looks perfect and untouched as animals did not eat it.

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