Wednesday 16 May 2018

Varmland: Part 4 - Day 3: Alfred Nobel House, Art on a Hill

12 May 2018

Today, we made a visit to Alfred Nobel House in Karlskoga. We bought a guided tour in the house and while waiting for the designated time (which was delayed for 1.5 hour!), we visited the Bofor Industry Museum which was just next to the cafetaria. Guided tour in Alfred Nobel house costs SEK125 per person. I did not particularly enjoy the Industry Museum because it is full of machinery, cannons, bullets, and just lots of heavy stuff for me.

The white building on the left is Alfred Nobel's house.

The Nobel Prices.

Alfred Nobel's laboratory and a doll figure of him in the background.

The dramatic guided tour - a lady dressed up as a housekeeper and narrated Alfred's story. There are tours for both Swedish and English.

A pistol that he kept under his pillow to kill himself in case he becomes too ill to move.

His bedroom. A small bed because he is only 163cm tall.

They made a face mask of him a day after he died. This is how he looked like when he died.

The lady in the photo is his 15-year-relationship (while she was married).

A short detour to see art on a hill in Kumla before we headed back to Stockholm. It was about an hour drive from Alfred Nobel's house and about 3 hours from Stockholm. There are 30 artworks but I did not hunt all of them. 

That was the end of our short trip. 

Total expenses spent for this short trip - SEK1158.40
1) Food - SEK444
2) Entrance fee for visits - SEK410
3) Petrol - SEK304.40

Well, I am writing those just in case someone ask me in the future. 

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